What I do:

Book Art and Illustration

Character Design

Custom Art for Business and Product

Band and Album Art

Live Caricature

Gift Portrait and Caricature



BFA - Art Institute of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA

AA - Georgia Perimeter College, Clarkston, GA


Who am i?

Hey! My name is Eddie Platt.

Art has been a part of my life since the early days of elementary school where I was scolded in class for doodling during lessons. I’m not ashamed of that past. I embraced the artist in me walking into my college career. I have a history of drawing still life from art classes in middle school and taking ceramics and painting classes in high school. Upon graduation, I continued my art education at Georgia Perimeter College and received an Associate’s degree in Fine Art. The investment of art as a career came upon my graduation of the Art Institute of Atlanta, where I received a bachelor’s degree in Game Art and Design.

              My passion in art centers around character design. In fact, my inspirations in my youth often came from video games, comic books, and anime. I would often be found drawing characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Spiderman, and Goku. I even spent much of my time in high school designing characters inspired from a combination of comics and the Dragon Ball Z universe. I feel that my drive for art comes from satisfying the urges in me to create dynamic and powerful characters that inspire the inner boy in me. Illustration has become a strong focus of study in my art journey from this drive.

              In 2017, I began traveling across the United States studying and drawing caricatures. My caricature career begins here, working with a small company known as We Art Stuff practicing and selling caricatures in the fair and festival environment. The practice and study of caricatures has added a dynamic and more expressive understanding of character design and development for me, and I am grateful for the journey. Now, I bring my studies and love for art to my audience in a more personal and direct way, creating memories and custom art to the local community of Atlanta, Georgia.

For inquiries about my art and illustration, please contact me by visiting the link below.